
Monday, October 16, 2006

Happy Endings

Last night, I watched the concluding part of a BBC TV production, Jane Eyre. I thoroughly enjoyed the dramatisation of this old time classic by Charlotte Bronte. I watched with interest and absorbed the customes people wore, the houses they lived in, the servants the rich had, and such like. No doubt, customs in the 19th century contrast sharply to our modern way of living.

Mr Rochester in the story, wanted to marry Jane Eyre. However he could not marry her because he had a living wife, a lunatic, tucked away in an attic, hidden from the world. Because of the deep love between Rochester and Jane, he proposed that he and Jane, go away to the Mediteranean and live like brother and sister. He said he would not live in sin with her by pretending to be married. Living in sin? What's that today?

The story twists and turn. There is excitement in some bits and gloom in others. However, the story ends happily nonetheless. The attic lunatic died and Jane and Rochester eventually married and fulfilled their dreams.

Happy endings! If only life was always like that. But as Christians, whatever the case, we can find peace and joy in our Father. He knows the end from the beginning, so in that we can choose to be happy!


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