
Friday, September 29, 2006

Getting to the Finishing Line

A few years ago, I did a 5 Km charity run. Well I guess I'll call it a jog. The money raised was to aid research in cancer. I had never done a run of such nature before. Even back in my school days, I had never been one for much physical challenges. I had shied away as much as possible in anything that remotely would work up a sweat. I was too lady like for such activities, had been my excuse.

With the benefit of maturity, I came to love or probably appreciate, I should say, the benefits of exercise. So when a friend suggested I take part in this charity event, although initially apprehensive, I eventually rose to the occasion.

Lunch times, in a nearby sports field close to where I work, I enlisted the help of a work colleague who coached me, trained me, inspired me and prepared me for my big event! Many times, I would have traded those times for a quiet stroll or sitting on my favourite bench in the park. After all, spring was in the air. Yet mentally, I stirred myself. My mental stimulation pushed me forward physically.

The day came. I jogged the race. Non-stop! I puffed, panted, worked up that sweat but pressed on. I had my target in mind. What joy when I saw the finishing line in sight. I doubled up as I dashed towards it. A sudden burst of adrenalin. I got my medal and a few goodies. I had completed the race. I had persevered. The hard work in the weeks before had paid of. To many, it was merely a short race but to me it was a marathon of sorts.

Life is like that in so many ways. We must keep our stare, our gaze, our focus on our God given goals. Only then can we make the finishing line. Only with perseverance on our part and coaching from the Holy Spirit.

Friday, September 22, 2006

My Omnipresent Shepherd

Yesterday was a beautiful day. A bright, sunny September, temperatures soaring to nearly thirty degrees Celsius. Well, twenty-eight to be exact. Regardless it was pleasantly warm and cheery. I decided to take a walk during my lunch break.

It seemed like everyone had caught on to my idea too. Everyone seemed to be out and about. I passed a field, one I had not noticed before. I saw sheep apparently basking in the afternoon heat. I looked around to see if I could catch sight of their 'shepherd'. My eyes could not locate him/her. Maybe, their shepherd was in some nearby field, I thought.

I thought of my own Shepherd. Jesus. That's His name. He was right there besides me. Taking a stroll with me. I could not see Him but I knew He was with me. I thought how amazing that Jesus could be in more than one 'field' at the same time. He is after all omnipresent. That means He is present everywhere. Always by my side.

'My' sheep in the field looked content and tranquil however. It was a lovely day after all. I hoped their shepherd was not too far away in case they had any needs. Shame their shepherd was not omnipresent like mine.

© September 2006